Quasimodo contains 184 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
new year be in january some[subj/we celebrate] POSITIVE 0.9371 0.9372 0.9372
stock fall in january POSITIVE 0.8714 0.8714 1.0000
martin luther king day be celebrated in january TBC[3rd monday] POSITIVE 0.8607 0.8611 1.0000
share price fall in january POSITIVE 0.8192 0.8196 0.9401
stock drop in january POSITIVE 0.7859 0.7859 1.0000
mlk day be in january POSITIVE 0.7728 0.7987 0.7729
stock go up in january POSITIVE 0.7667 0.7667 1.0000
cabo san luca be in january POSITIVE 0.7460 1.0000 0.7461
bad movie come out in january POSITIVE 0.7379 0.7379 1.0000
gold go up in january POSITIVE 0.7330 0.7330 0.9561
everyone break up in january POSITIVE 0.7281 0.7281 1.0000
26 has_property january POSITIVE 0.7224 0.7639 0.7224
most hockey player be born in january POSITIVE 0.7086 1.0000 1.0000
flight be cheaper in january POSITIVE 0.6816 0.6816 1.0000
stock perform in january POSITIVE 0.6799 0.6799 1.0000
fox scream in january POSITIVE 0.6586 0.6586 1.0000
hockey player be born in january some[subj/most], some[subj/all] POSITIVE 0.6548 0.6548 0.9241
accountant be busy in january POSITIVE 0.6532 0.6533 1.0000
full moon be in january TBC[january called] POSITIVE 0.6071 0.6073 0.6072
horror movie be released in january POSITIVE 0.6068 0.6068 1.0000