Quasimodo contains 12 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
king joffrey die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.0178 0.0190 0.0198
joffrey baratheon die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.3611 1.0000 0.4009
the queen die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.5189 0.5189 0.5761
the king die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.5601 0.5601 0.6219
dragons can be killed in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.5746 0.5746 1.0000
peter dinklage die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.6158 1.0000 0.6837
no elephant has_property in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.6806 0.7451 0.6806
the high sparrow die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.6859 0.9766 0.7616
the book end in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.7036 0.7043 1.0000
the wall exist in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.7316 0.7316 1.0000
the tree bleed in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.7926 0.8635 1.0000
each character die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.8168 0.9541 0.9070