Quasimodo contains 22 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
jackson die in the originals POSITIVE 0.0606 0.0606 0.0629
tristan die in the originals POSITIVE 0.1755 0.1822 0.1822
rebekah die in the originals POSITIVE 0.2523 0.2523 0.2619
aiden die in the originals POSITIVE 0.2957 0.3113 0.3070
finn die in the originals POSITIVE 0.2975 0.2975 0.3088
caroline has_property in the originals POSITIVE 0.3496 0.3497 0.3497
michael die in the originals POSITIVE 0.3951 0.3951 0.4102
freya die in the originals POSITIVE 0.3979 0.4121 0.4131
stephen has_property in the originals POSITIVE 0.4111 0.4112 0.4112
marcel die in the originals POSITIVE 0.4133 0.4253 0.4291
aurora die in the originals POSITIVE 0.4474 0.4553 0.4645
the hollow be defeated in the originals POSITIVE 0.4961 1.0000 1.0000
gia die in the originals POSITIVE 0.5589 0.5589 0.5802
tyler die in the originals POSITIVE 0.5923 0.5924 0.6150
hope survive in the originals POSITIVE 0.6099 0.6100 1.0000
dahlia be killed in the originals POSITIVE 0.6476 0.6477 1.0000
cole die in the originals POSITIVE 0.6601 0.6601 0.6853
hope die in the originals POSITIVE 0.6978 0.6978 0.7244
dahlia die in the originals POSITIVE 0.7040 0.7041 0.7308
klaus die in the originals POSITIVE 0.7941 0.8062 0.8244