Quasimodo contains 17 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
each character die in harry potter 7 POSITIVE 0.2032 0.2373 0.2956
each character react to gregor POSITIVE 0.2288 0.2673 1.0000
each character die in king lear POSITIVE 0.2477 0.2894 0.3974
each character die in bird box POSITIVE 0.2617 0.3057 0.2617
each character die in lost POSITIVE 0.4730 0.5525 0.6022
each character be actually on the office POSITIVE 0.4795 0.5601 1.0000
each character die in grey's anatomy POSITIVE 0.5031 0.5876 0.6726
each character has_property important to the plot POSITIVE 0.5330 0.6225 1.0000
each character have a back story POSITIVE 0.5451 0.6367 1.0000
each character has_property responsible in an inspector POSITIVE 0.5475 0.6395 1.0000
each character die in hamlet POSITIVE 0.5610 0.6553 0.5927
each character try to convince phoenix jackson to a frame POSITIVE 0.6058 0.7076 1.0000
each character die in all quiet on the western front POSITIVE 0.6475 0.7563 1.0000
each character react to myrtle's death POSITIVE 0.6938 0.8103 1.0000
each character die in game of thrones POSITIVE 0.8168 0.9541 0.9070
each character die in the walking dead POSITIVE 0.8297 0.9691 0.8836
each character die in othello POSITIVE 0.8561 1.0000 0.8588