Quasimodo contains 93 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
lagos has_property de POSITIVE 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005
lagos has_property famous POSITIVE 0.0005 0.0006 nan
lagos has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.0005 0.0006 0.0005
lagos has_property vibes POSITIVE 0.0007 0.0007 0.0009
lagos has_property known POSITIVE 0.0007 0.0008 0.0007
lagos dump worker eric POSITIVE 0.0015 0.0015 1.0000
lagos be called ego POSITIVE 0.0016 0.0017 1.0000
lagos has_movement fall POSITIVE 0.0025 0.0026 0.0025
lagos has_property belts POSITIVE 0.0026 0.0028 0.0026
lagos has_property least livable city POSITIVE 0.0033 0.0035 0.0100
lagos has_property algae POSITIVE 0.0034 0.0036 0.0038
lagos has_property expensive TBC[so expensive] POSITIVE 0.0035 0.0037 0.0035
lagos has_property state state TBC[state state of excellence], TBC[state state of excellence indeed] POSITIVE 0.0036 0.0038 1.0000
lagos has_property pronounced POSITIVE 0.0039 0.0042 0.0040
lagos has_property tar POSITIVE 0.0040 0.0042 0.0040
lagos has_property state state of excellence indeed POSITIVE 0.0041 0.0044 1.0000
lagos has_property luna POSITIVE 0.0041 0.0044 0.0041
lagos has_property state state of excellence TBC[state state of excellence indeed] POSITIVE 0.0043 0.0045 1.0000
lagos be bad place live POSITIVE 0.0044 0.0046 0.2481
lagos has_property live POSITIVE 0.0045 0.0048 0.0045