Quasimodo contains 89 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
away has_property actress some[subj/home and] POSITIVE 0.8001 0.8001 0.8001
kristen stewart has_property actress TBC[bad actress], TBC[such great actress] POSITIVE 0.6858 0.6858 0.6858
blonde has_property actress POSITIVE 0.6267 0.6267 0.6268
marilyn monroe be actress POSITIVE 0.5661 0.5800 0.5662
linda reagan has_property actress POSITIVE 0.5539 0.5539 0.5539
buffy has_property actress POSITIVE 0.5328 0.5328 0.5328
praying mantis has_property actress POSITIVE 0.4198 0.4248 0.4198
south sudan has_property actress POSITIVE 0.4191 0.4415 0.4191
east of eden has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3513 0.4460 0.3513
viva paper towel has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3319 0.3482 0.3319
lydia has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3297 0.3399 0.3297
countess has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3196 0.4758 0.3196
purr has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3193 0.3289 0.3193
myrtle has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3171 0.3841 0.3171
denver has_property actress POSITIVE 0.3052 0.3054 0.3053
moana has_property actress POSITIVE 0.2985 0.2986 0.2985
breakup has_property actress POSITIVE 0.2981 0.2998 0.2981
tore has_property actress POSITIVE 0.2973 0.3134 0.2973
princess bubblegum has_property actress POSITIVE 0.2850 0.2851 0.2851
supergirl has_property actress POSITIVE 0.2669 0.2669 0.2669