Quasimodo contains 260 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
titanium be used in aerospace POSITIVE 0.7499 0.7500 1.0000
firefly has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.7064 0.7072 0.7065
cad be used in aerospace POSITIVE 0.6701 0.7438 0.8936
ripple has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.6676 0.6676 0.6676
israeli has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.6630 0.6802 0.6630
smith has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.6545 0.6605 0.6545
nanotechnology be used in aerospace POSITIVE 0.5456 0.5744 0.7276
university of california at berkeley has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5383 0.8047 0.5383
university of michigan has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5313 0.5313 0.5313
transition metal has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5279 0.5279 0.5279
north africa has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5273 0.5518 0.5273
casting has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5185 0.5185 0.5186
arc has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5130 0.5130 0.5130
south korea has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.5035 0.5035 0.5035
northern has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4990 0.4990 0.4990
rare earth metal has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4824 0.4851 0.4824
san diego has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4734 0.4734 0.4734
horn of africa has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4643 0.5783 0.4644
bronx has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4622 0.4622 0.4622
manufacturing has_property aerospace POSITIVE 0.4556 0.4771 0.4557