Quasimodo contains 8 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
electrical has_property analogy POSITIVE 0.4660 0.4799 1.0000
contractile vacuole has_property analogy POSITIVE 0.2550 0.2595 0.5472
tea bag has_property analogy POSITIVE 0.2182 0.2182 0.4684
simile differ from analogy POSITIVE 0.0050 0.0055 1.0000
plant cell be like analogy TBC[analogy to basketball team], TBC[analogy to football team] POSITIVE 0.0029 0.0029 1.0000
cell size has_property analogy POSITIVE 0.0003 0.0004 0.0007
metaphor be different from analogy POSITIVE 0.0003 0.0003 1.0000
analog has_property analogy POSITIVE 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002