Quasimodo contains 119 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
mattress get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.9765 0.9765 1.0000
baking soda kill bed bugs POSITIVE 0.9362 0.9362 1.0000
bed get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.9356 0.9432 0.9581
place get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.9165 0.9165 0.9385
house get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8962 0.8962 0.9177
hotel get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8940 0.8940 0.9155
apartment get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8780 0.8780 0.8991
home get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8511 0.8511 0.8716
chemical kill bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8140 0.8326 0.8695
hotel keep away bed bugs POSITIVE 0.8133 0.8133 1.0000
room get bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7828 0.7829 0.8016
pest control treat bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7729 0.7874 1.0000
apartment check for bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7681 0.7681 1.0000
hotel avoid bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7639 0.7639 1.0000
professional treat bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7583 0.7583 0.9811
diatomaceous earth kill bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7561 0.7645 0.8076
hospital prevent bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7463 0.7463 1.0000
pesticide kill bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7387 0.7442 0.7890
hotel have bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7364 0.7364 1.0000
hotel deal with bed bugs POSITIVE 0.7006 0.7006 1.0000