Quasimodo contains 78 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
claim affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.9384 0.9596 1.0000
gypsy get car insurance POSITIVE 0.8301 0.8302 1.0000
accident affect car insurance some[subj/a minor] POSITIVE 0.7702 0.7795 0.8207
apartment ask for car insurance POSITIVE 0.7476 0.7476 1.0000
credit score affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.7144 0.7144 0.7613
employment status affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.6224 1.0000 0.6632
traveller pay for car insurance POSITIVE 0.6131 0.6131 1.0000
company need car insurance POSITIVE 0.5707 0.5707 1.0000
marital status affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.5259 1.0000 0.5605
traveller get car insurance POSITIVE 0.5232 0.5232 0.6303
deductible work in car insurance POSITIVE 0.5218 0.5218 1.0000
illegal immigrant get car insurance POSITIVE 0.5111 0.5167 0.6157
job title affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.5034 1.0000 0.5365
profession affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.4827 0.7401 0.5144
salvage title affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.4427 0.5528 0.4718
deductible be on car insurance POSITIVE 0.4420 0.4420 1.0000
stamp duty be on car insurance POSITIVE 0.4312 0.4361 0.9756
traveler get car insurance POSITIVE 0.4233 0.5123 0.5099
pcp affect car insurance POSITIVE 0.4148 0.5532 0.4420
mexican have car insurance never POSITIVE 0.3983 0.4071 1.0000