Quasimodo contains 43 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
photographer use contrast POSITIVE 0.8564 0.8564 1.0000
author use contrast POSITIVE 0.7863 0.7864 0.9182
advertiser use contrast POSITIVE 0.7139 0.7139 0.8336
speaker use contrast POSITIVE 0.6928 0.6928 0.8089
grid improve contrast POSITIVE 0.6411 0.6679 1.0000
writer use contrast POSITIVE 0.5779 0.5779 0.6748
chiaroscuro be different from contrast POSITIVE 0.5428 0.8257 1.0000
comparison has_property contrast POSITIVE 0.4964 0.6170 1.0000
writer create contrast POSITIVE 0.4740 0.4740 1.0000
lesion enhance with contrast POSITIVE 0.3961 0.4381 1.0000
poet use contrast POSITIVE 0.3836 0.3838 0.4479
echocardiogram be with contrast POSITIVE 0.3830 0.3831 0.9172
lateral inhibition enhance contrast POSITIVE 0.3237 0.5786 1.0000
abraham lincoln be contrast POSITIVE 0.2895 0.2897 0.5832
grid affect contrast POSITIVE 0.2386 0.2486 1.0000
filtration affect contrast POSITIVE 0.2113 0.2113 0.8853
yellow glass improve contrast POSITIVE 0.2041 0.8593 0.3183
yoga good has_property contrast POSITIVE 0.1560 0.1760 0.3142
beam restriction affect contrast POSITIVE 0.1432 0.5939 0.6000
iv has_property contrast POSITIVE 0.1372 0.1406 0.2763