Quasimodo contains 43 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
tennis player need coordination TBC[muscular endurance] POSITIVE 0.9085 0.9086 1.0000
juggling improve coordination POSITIVE 0.8285 0.8958 1.0000
netball player need coordination POSITIVE 0.7961 0.8164 0.8762
football player need coordination POSITIVE 0.7663 0.7663 0.8434
budget can facilitate coordination POSITIVE 0.7078 0.7834 1.0000
rugby player need coordination POSITIVE 0.6783 0.6783 0.7466
fine motor skill affect coordination POSITIVE 0.6461 0.7134 1.0000
layering improve coordination POSITIVE 0.6306 0.6846 0.7612
footballer need coordination POSITIVE 0.5910 0.5910 0.6505
video game improve coordination POSITIVE 0.5555 0.5555 0.6706
boxer need coordination POSITIVE 0.5150 0.5150 0.5668
sight contribute to coordination POSITIVE 0.5063 0.5175 1.0000
gymnast use coordination POSITIVE 0.4895 0.4895 1.0000
gymnast need coordination POSITIVE 0.4850 0.4850 0.5339
table tennis need coordination POSITIVE 0.4369 0.4650 0.4809
gymnastics improve coordination POSITIVE 0.4293 0.4297 0.5182
collaboration be different from coordination POSITIVE 0.4054 0.4345 1.0000
indian constitution allow coordination POSITIVE 0.3651 0.4658 1.0000
cricket player use coordination POSITIVE 0.3641 0.3641 0.7438
basketball improve coordination POSITIVE 0.3405 0.3405 0.4110