Quasimodo contains 6 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
nitrile glove has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.9411 0.9411 1.0000
hors d'oeuvre has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.8651 0.9661 0.9193
apple product has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.8186 0.8186 0.8699
spreadsheet has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.7130 0.7130 0.7576
si unit has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.6844 0.7209 0.7272
metric unit has_property easy to use POSITIVE 0.1796 0.1996 0.1909