Quasimodo contains 38 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
israeli has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.7568 0.7764 1.0000
makeup artist use eye drops POSITIVE 0.7548 0.8462 1.0000
drug addict use eye drops POSITIVE 0.6618 0.6618 0.8768
nurse administer eye drops POSITIVE 0.5932 0.5932 1.0000
ketone has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.5769 0.5797 0.7623
electrode has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.5354 0.5655 0.7075
benzalkonium chloride be used in eye drops POSITIVE 0.5277 1.0000 1.0000
plasmid has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.5192 0.5744 0.6860
fish oil pill has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.5136 0.5901 0.6786
hydrochloric acid be added to eye drops POSITIVE 0.5008 0.5009 1.0000
calcium chloride be used in eye drops POSITIVE 0.4507 0.4605 0.8540
boron be used in eye drops POSITIVE 0.4222 0.4222 0.8000
drink has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.3866 0.3866 0.5108
drug user use eye drops POSITIVE 0.3513 0.3974 0.4655
sodium chloride be in eye drops POSITIVE 0.3153 0.3153 1.0000
benzalkonium chloride be in eye drops POSITIVE 0.3054 0.5787 0.9686
lysin has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.3011 0.3918 0.3979
sorbitol be used in eye drops POSITIVE 0.2954 0.5057 0.5597
borax be in eye drops POSITIVE 0.2737 0.2737 0.8681
thiamin has_property eye drops POSITIVE 0.2624 0.2635 0.3468