Quasimodo contains 10 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
yacht say georgetown some[subj/so many] POSITIVE 0.5585 0.5606 1.0000
royal go to georgetown POSITIVE 0.4348 0.4348 1.0000
boat registered in georgetown POSITIVE 0.4138 0.4138 1.0000
boat be registered in georgetown POSITIVE 0.2193 0.2193 1.0000
yacht have georgetown POSITIVE 0.0113 0.0113 1.0000
egyptian tomb has_property georgetown POSITIVE 0.0065 0.0088 1.0000
side dish has_property georgetown POSITIVE 0.0055 0.0063 0.8361
clyde has_property georgetown POSITIVE 0.0048 0.0049 0.7331
haik has_property georgetown POSITIVE 0.0018 0.0038 0.2786
nick carraway has_property georgetown POSITIVE 0.0005 0.0013 0.0787