Quasimodo contains 12 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
no monkey has_property in north america POSITIVE 0.8302 0.8788 1.0000
scorpions live in north america POSITIVE 0.5952 0.5955 0.5953
culture be similar in north america POSITIVE 0.5840 0.5871 1.0000
no elephant has_property in north america POSITIVE 0.4984 0.5457 0.6003
egg yolk be yellow in north america POSITIVE 0.4571 0.4612 1.0000
the bahamas has_property in north america POSITIVE 0.3557 0.3652 0.4284
the hunger games be set in north america POSITIVE 0.3473 0.3889 1.0000
colonist be angry in north america POSITIVE 0.3026 0.3303 1.0000
raising children be onerous in north america POSITIVE 0.1954 1.0000 1.0000
acid precipitation devastate in north america POSITIVE 0.1893 0.2125 1.0000
jewish education be expensive in north america POSITIVE 0.1325 1.0000 1.0000
costa rica has_property in north america POSITIVE 0.0886 0.1022 0.1067