Quasimodo contains 204 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
listening skill help in interview POSITIVE 0.9199 0.9406 1.0000
employer check references before interview POSITIVE 0.6729 0.6730 1.0000
attending has_property interview POSITIVE 0.6437 0.6939 0.6438
med school has_property interview TBC[so interview] POSITIVE 0.6340 0.6463 0.6341
body language be important in interview POSITIVE 0.6329 0.6477 1.0000
thank be for interview POSITIVE 0.5837 0.5837 1.0000
phone has_property interview POSITIVE 0.5348 0.5348 0.5349
give has_property interview POSITIVE 0.4994 0.5002 0.4994
walk be in interview POSITIVE 0.4940 0.4940 1.0000
carrie bradshaw get fired from interview POSITIVE 0.4934 0.4935 1.0000
up has_property interview POSITIVE 0.4843 0.4843 0.4844
formal has_property interview POSITIVE 0.4679 0.5002 0.4679
body language affect interview POSITIVE 0.4559 0.4666 1.0000
stay has_property interview POSITIVE 0.4480 0.4480 0.4480
family background be asked in interview POSITIVE 0.4290 0.5453 1.0000
ssb has_property interview POSITIVE 0.4290 0.6083 0.4290
juror has_property interview POSITIVE 0.3804 0.3804 0.3804
arrested development has_property interview POSITIVE 0.3520 0.3522 0.3520
directive has_property interview POSITIVE 0.3459 0.3459 0.3460
mcdonalds has_property interview POSITIVE 0.3351 0.3351 0.3351