Quasimodo contains 11 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
seed grow into a plant POSITIVE 0.9940 0.9940 1.0000
seed develop into a plant POSITIVE 0.9583 0.9583 1.0000
seed turn into a plant POSITIVE 0.8539 0.8539 1.0000
sunlight get into a plant POSITIVE 0.7549 0.7553 1.0000
new gene can be introduced into a plant POSITIVE 0.6220 0.8263 1.0000
carbon dioxide be taken into a plant POSITIVE 0.4728 0.4728 1.0000
mineral enter into a plant POSITIVE 0.4664 0.4664 1.0000
substance get into a plant POSITIVE 0.4161 0.4177 0.5512
carbon dioxide get into a plant POSITIVE 0.3310 0.3310 0.4384
mineral be taken into a plant POSITIVE 0.2763 0.2763 0.5845
mineral salt get into a plant POSITIVE 0.1213 0.1593 0.1607