Quasimodo contains 61 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
manchester city be under investigation POSITIVE 0.6647 0.6784 1.0000
climate change has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.5309 0.5424 1.0000
scientist conduct investigation TBC[scientific investigations], TBC[scientific investigation] POSITIVE 0.3745 0.3745 1.0000
hypocalcaemia has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.3644 0.5400 0.6864
adult can encourage investigation POSITIVE 0.3424 0.3424 1.0000
munchhausen be under investigation POSITIVE 0.3265 0.3791 0.4911
arson has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.2956 0.2957 0.5568
ohio state be under investigation POSITIVE 0.2788 0.2788 0.4195
thomas be under investigation POSITIVE 0.2263 0.2263 0.3404
sexual harassment has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.2193 0.2369 0.4130
tax evasion has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.2089 0.3685 0.3936
fiber evidence can help investigation POSITIVE 0.1863 0.2223 1.0000
richardson be under investigation POSITIVE 0.1857 0.2928 0.2794
ground has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.1761 0.1810 0.3316
embezzlement has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.1683 0.2718 0.3171
apple pay cash has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.1478 0.1647 0.2784
canadian citizen instigate investigation POSITIVE 0.1427 0.1479 1.0000
kraft heinz be under investigation POSITIVE 0.1407 0.2013 0.2116
insurance fraud has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.1286 0.5386 0.2423
farm egg has_property investigation POSITIVE 0.1225 0.1225 0.2308