Quasimodo contains 138 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
shawn has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.7146 0.7449 0.7147
brian has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.6813 0.6814 0.6814
talk of the town be dwayne johnson POSITIVE 0.6094 0.8261 0.6095
penis be called johnson POSITIVE 0.5861 0.6326 1.0000
snowshoe has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.5472 0.6571 0.5473
sense of smell be dwayne johnson POSITIVE 0.5443 0.6002 0.5443
cotton swab has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.5245 0.6355 0.5245
don has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.4753 0.4774 0.4753
jack has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3956 0.3956 0.3957
holly has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3847 0.3931 0.3848
chad has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3643 0.3667 0.3643
rh has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3622 0.3622 0.3622
cotton bud has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3521 0.4009 0.3521
jasmine has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3464 0.3464 0.3464
richard has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3361 0.3361 0.3362
parnell has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3351 0.6102 0.3351
kendall has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3287 0.3288 0.3288
haste has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3272 0.6767 0.3273
levy has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3233 0.4746 0.3233
andrew has_property johnson POSITIVE 0.3110 0.3110 0.3111