Quasimodo contains 125 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
gallon has_property jug POSITIVE 0.5840 0.6948 0.5842
specific heat of water has_property jug POSITIVE 0.5250 0.5860 0.5251
crock has_property jug POSITIVE 0.3908 0.4288 0.3909
mcdonalds coffee has_property jug POSITIVE 0.3223 0.3224 0.3223
fresh water has_property jug POSITIVE 0.3134 0.3248 0.3135
blue light filter has_property jug POSITIVE 0.3033 0.3080 0.3033
scotch whiskey has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2985 0.2991 0.2986
aquarium water has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2764 0.3462 0.2765
pickle has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2709 0.2709 0.2710
imperial gallon has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2420 0.2449 0.2420
beer glass has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2344 0.2577 0.2345
diesel fuel has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2321 0.2406 0.2321
recco has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2271 0.3944 0.2271
nonfat dry milk has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2168 0.2645 0.2169
vacuum flask has_property jug POSITIVE 0.2069 0.2147 0.2069
homogenized milk has_property jug POSITIVE 0.1855 0.2412 0.1855
reed canary grass has_property jug POSITIVE 0.1693 0.5546 0.1693
soya milk has_property jug POSITIVE 0.1612 0.1970 0.1613
hard water has_property jug POSITIVE 0.1532 0.1650 0.1532
detention be called jug POSITIVE 0.1477 0.1532 1.0000