Quasimodo contains 521 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
august be hotter than june some[subj/july and] POSITIVE 0.9178 0.9178 1.0000
june bug come out in june only POSITIVE 0.9165 0.9326 1.0000
pride parade be in june POSITIVE 0.8255 1.0000 0.8255
bride get married in june POSITIVE 0.8201 0.8201 1.0000
sixth has_property june POSITIVE 0.8138 0.8522 0.8138
daffodil shed leaves in june POSITIVE 0.8016 0.8016 1.0000
bee die in june POSITIVE 0.7991 0.7991 1.0000
fred be obsessed with june POSITIVE 0.7688 0.7797 1.0000
pride be in june POSITIVE 0.7546 0.7551 0.7546
negative interest rate has_property june POSITIVE 0.7250 0.7706 0.7250
queens birthday be in june POSITIVE 0.7176 1.0000 0.7176
college football game has_property june POSITIVE 0.6980 0.8288 0.6980
calendar has_property june POSITIVE 0.6793 0.6793 0.6793
soccer game has_property june POSITIVE 0.6704 0.7554 0.6704
fortnite server has_property june POSITIVE 0.6510 0.6725 0.6510
best seller has_property june POSITIVE 0.6484 0.7403 0.6484
fox scream in june POSITIVE 0.6434 0.6434 1.0000
new york weather be in june POSITIVE 0.6429 0.6856 0.6429
meteor shower has_property june POSITIVE 0.6260 0.6925 0.6260
july be hotter than june POSITIVE 0.6103 0.6107 0.6650