Quasimodo contains 70 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
photon have momentum some[subj/a mass less], some[subj/massless], TBC[momentum without mass] POSITIVE 0.9994 0.9994 1.0000
acceleration relate to momentum POSITIVE 0.9076 0.9076 1.0000
electromagnetic wave carry momentum some[subj/you show that] POSITIVE 0.8749 0.8749 0.9310
inertia relate to momentum POSITIVE 0.8743 0.8877 0.9633
impulse relate to momentum POSITIVE 0.8632 0.9678 0.9511
crumple zone reduce momentum POSITIVE 0.8331 0.8392 1.0000
massless particle can have momentum POSITIVE 0.8150 0.8294 1.0000
velocity affect momentum some[subj/mass and] POSITIVE 0.7998 0.8458 1.0000
photon carry momentum POSITIVE 0.7730 0.7730 0.8226
photon can have momentum TBC[momentum without mass] POSITIVE 0.7581 0.7581 0.9302
bouncing affect momentum POSITIVE 0.7547 0.8540 0.9435
inelastic collision conserve momentum POSITIVE 0.7163 0.7163 1.0000
ball lose momentum POSITIVE 0.7126 0.7126 1.0000
first law of motion has_property momentum POSITIVE 0.6788 0.7075 1.0000
volleyball relate to momentum POSITIVE 0.6269 0.6270 0.6907
massless particle have momentum POSITIVE 0.6211 0.6321 0.6214
airbag relate to momentum POSITIVE 0.6162 0.6163 0.6790
seat belt reduce momentum POSITIVE 0.5371 0.5371 0.6447
mechanical wave carry momentum POSITIVE 0.4595 0.4636 0.4889
neutrino can have momentum POSITIVE 0.4207 0.4207 0.5162