Quasimodo contains 16 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
ocular has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.7797 1.0000 1.0000
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.7255 0.8657 0.9304
adolescent has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.6476 0.6835 0.8306
cox-2 inhibitor has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.6378 0.7295 0.8179
cancer be called oncology POSITIVE 0.5996 0.5996 1.0000
outpatient has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.4557 1.0000 0.5844
gynecology has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.4464 0.7323 0.5725
urology has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.4321 0.7860 0.5541
heme has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.3916 0.3916 0.5022
chemistry be related to oncology POSITIVE 0.3436 0.3494 1.0000
radiology has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.2719 0.3312 0.3487
shire has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.1996 0.3763 0.2560
electromagnetic radiation has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.1975 0.2121 0.2533
hematology be combined with oncology always POSITIVE 0.1369 0.3031 1.0000
captain america has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.0132 0.0132 0.0169
ionising radiation has_property oncology POSITIVE 0.0005 0.0005 0.0006