Quasimodo contains 25 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
heating pad help period cramps POSITIVE 0.8601 0.8676 1.0000
hot bath help period cramps POSITIVE 0.7660 0.7718 0.8906
contraction feel like period cramps POSITIVE 0.7594 0.7602 1.0000
hot water bottle help period cramps POSITIVE 0.7059 0.7486 0.8207
bananas be good for period cramps POSITIVE 0.7029 0.7029 1.0000
bath help period cramps some[subj/hot] POSITIVE 0.6581 0.6645 0.7651
bananas help period cramps POSITIVE 0.6091 0.6091 0.7081
heating pad help with period cramps POSITIVE 0.5868 0.5919 1.0000
guy can help with period cramps POSITIVE 0.5507 0.5507 1.0000
heating pad help be with period cramps POSITIVE 0.1712 0.1741 1.0000
green tea help has_property period cramps POSITIVE 0.1157 0.1157 1.0000
pregnancy cramp feel like period cramps POSITIVE 0.0823 0.1098 0.1084
heat help be with period cramps POSITIVE 0.0404 0.0496 0.2362
sugar help be with period cramps POSITIVE 0.0337 0.0647 0.1967
heat relieve period cramps POSITIVE 0.0326 0.0326 1.0000
water bottle help period cramps some[subj/hot] POSITIVE 0.0185 0.0186 0.0215
chocolate help be with period cramps POSITIVE 0.0181 1.0000 0.1060
water help period cramps POSITIVE 0.0145 0.0145 0.0169
heat feel on period cramps POSITIVE 0.0145 0.0145 1.0000
exercise help be with period cramps POSITIVE 0.0098 0.0103 0.0574