Quasimodo contains 39 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
love-in-a-mist has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.9134 0.9246 1.0000
elephant's ear has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.8329 0.9210 0.9118
mushroom has_property psychedelic some[subj/some] POSITIVE 0.8208 0.8208 0.8986
mushroom become psychedelic POSITIVE 0.7523 0.7523 1.0000
some mushroom has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.7118 0.7277 0.7792
temple of doom has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.6555 1.0000 0.7177
the doctor has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.6332 0.6332 0.6932
hermione has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.6216 0.6218 0.6805
british has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.6186 0.6186 0.6772
black widow spider has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.6050 0.6088 0.6623
blue whale has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.5765 0.5765 0.6311
cucumber has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.5524 0.5524 0.6047
star wars character has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.5432 0.5432 0.5947
weed has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.5219 0.5219 0.5714
fire fighter has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.5126 0.6682 0.5611
the golden gate has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.4678 0.6584 0.5121
britisher has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.4410 0.5918 0.4828
absinthe has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.4369 0.4607 0.4783
new river gorge bridge has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.3209 0.3210 0.3513
dmt has_property psychedelic POSITIVE 0.2739 0.2783 0.2999