Quasimodo contains 54 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
francis bacon has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.9035 1.0000 0.9036
analysing has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.8701 0.9890 0.8701
prospero represent shakespeare POSITIVE 0.8549 0.8790 1.0000
old be shakespeare POSITIVE 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529
prospero be like shakespeare POSITIVE 0.7475 0.7686 1.0000
get drunk has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.7065 0.7471 0.7065
sonant has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.6939 0.9116 0.6939
teacher teach shakespeare POSITIVE 0.6738 0.6738 1.0000
shlock has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.6217 0.9161 0.6217
school teach shakespeare POSITIVE 0.6066 0.6066 0.9002
blank verse be used in shakespeare POSITIVE 0.6027 0.7663 1.0000
soliloquy has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.5839 0.7753 0.5839
student study shakespeare POSITIVE 0.5493 0.5493 1.0000
open source has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.4836 0.5447 0.4836
silents has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.4759 0.8274 0.4759
johnson defend shakespeare POSITIVE 0.4730 0.4924 1.0000
iambic pentameter be used in shakespeare POSITIVE 0.4355 0.5538 0.7225
william has_property shakespeare POSITIVE 0.3827 0.3827 0.3827
prose be used in shakespeare POSITIVE 0.3460 0.4143 0.5740
high school student read shakespeare POSITIVE 0.3451 0.3594 1.0000