Quasimodo contains 93 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
large business act as small businesses POSITIVE 0.9249 0.9927 1.0000
government help small businesses POSITIVE 0.9218 0.9219 1.0000
bank help small businesses POSITIVE 0.7846 0.7846 0.8511
cash flow forecast be important to small businesses POSITIVE 0.7647 0.7678 1.0000
politician support small businesses POSITIVE 0.7606 0.7606 1.0000
gift card work for small businesses POSITIVE 0.7263 0.7263 1.0000
raising minimum wage hurt small businesses POSITIVE 0.7138 0.7349 1.0000
entrepreneur launch small businesses POSITIVE 0.7021 0.7070 1.0000
large business depend on small businesses POSITIVE 0.6976 0.7487 1.0000
recession affect small businesses POSITIVE 0.6607 0.6635 1.0000
minimum wage affect small businesses some[subj/raising] POSITIVE 0.6501 0.6501 0.9840
tax deduction work for small businesses POSITIVE 0.6486 0.6978 0.8930
regulation affect small businesses POSITIVE 0.6127 0.6892 0.9274
bank can help small businesses POSITIVE 0.5938 0.5938 1.0000
online shopping affect small businesses POSITIVE 0.5633 0.5710 0.8526
conservative help small businesses POSITIVE 0.5617 0.5617 0.6093
big datum can help small businesses POSITIVE 0.5543 0.8456 0.9336
hacker target small businesses POSITIVE 0.5536 0.5537 1.0000
income tax affect small businesses POSITIVE 0.5462 0.5583 0.8268
yelp help small businesses POSITIVE 0.5380 0.5503 0.5836