Quasimodo contains 77 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
family be important to socialization POSITIVE 0.7680 0.7680 1.0000
sport be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.7582 0.7582 1.0000
peer group be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.7428 0.7975 0.9798
peer be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.7374 0.8213 0.9726
peer affect socialization TBC[political socialization] POSITIVE 0.7342 0.8178 1.0000
conflict perspective explain socialization POSITIVE 0.7180 1.0000 1.0000
peer group cause socialization POSITIVE 0.6305 0.6769 1.0000
religion be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.6091 0.6091 0.8034
family be important agents of socialization POSITIVE 0.5927 0.5927 1.0000
school contribute to socialization POSITIVE 0.5847 0.5847 1.0000
peer group affect socialization POSITIVE 0.5817 0.6245 0.7922
sociologist understand socialization POSITIVE 0.5531 0.5531 1.0000
sibling affect socialization POSITIVE 0.5446 0.5446 0.7417
media be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.4687 0.4687 0.6182
marriage be an agent of socialization POSITIVE 0.4485 0.4485 0.5915
technology be an agent for socialization POSITIVE 0.4352 0.4353 1.0000
peer group contribute to socialization POSITIVE 0.4277 0.4592 0.7315
birth order affect socialization POSITIVE 0.4234 0.4525 0.5767
school affect socialization TBC[political socialization] POSITIVE 0.4157 0.4157 0.5662
mass media contribute to socialization POSITIVE 0.3990 0.4478 0.6824