Quasimodo contains 192 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
football player wear socks TBC[long socks], TBC[high socks], TBC[so tall socks] POSITIVE 0.9905 0.9905 0.9905
dog steal socks POSITIVE 0.9809 0.9809 1.0000
washing machine eat socks POSITIVE 0.9505 0.9505 1.0000
cats carry socks POSITIVE 0.9473 0.9473 1.0000
basketball player wear socks TBC[long socks], TBC[double socks] POSITIVE 0.9324 0.9324 0.9324
dryer eat socks POSITIVE 0.9313 0.9313 0.9797
baseball player wear socks TBC[red striped socks], TBC[red socks], TBC[high socks], some[subj/some] POSITIVE 0.8978 0.8978 0.8978
football player have holes in socks POSITIVE 0.8965 0.8965 1.0000
running has_property socks POSITIVE 0.8931 0.8931 1.0000
soccer player wear socks TBC[long socks], TBC[high socks] POSITIVE 0.8914 0.8914 0.8914
dog eat socks POSITIVE 0.8842 0.8842 0.9302
footballer wear socks TBC[long socks] POSITIVE 0.8830 0.8830 0.8831
nfl player wear socks TBC[long socks] POSITIVE 0.8578 0.8578 0.8578
high jumper wear socks TBC[long socks], TBC[different colored socks] POSITIVE 0.8519 0.9790 0.8519
nba player wear inside out socks POSITIVE 0.8456 0.8456 1.0000
wrestler tuck in socks POSITIVE 0.8429 0.8429 1.0000
footballer have holes in socks POSITIVE 0.8323 0.8323 0.9284
shoe eat socks some[subj/some], sometimes POSITIVE 0.8265 0.8265 0.8695
soccer player cut socks some[subj/professional], some[subj/pro] POSITIVE 0.8246 0.8246 1.0000
football player cut holes in socks POSITIVE 0.8218 0.8218 1.0000