Quasimodo contains 51 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
laptop have stickers POSITIVE 0.8570 0.8570 0.8607
apple phone come with stickers POSITIVE 0.8433 0.8433 0.8433
crash test dummies have stickers POSITIVE 0.8231 0.8857 0.8266
hat have stickers POSITIVE 0.8002 0.8012 0.8036
ohio state have stickers TBC[stickers on their helmets], TBC[stickers on helmets] POSITIVE 0.7693 0.7694 0.7726
college football player put stickers POSITIVE 0.7567 0.7568 1.0000
apple product include stickers POSITIVE 0.7064 0.7064 1.0000
college football player have stickers TBC[stickers on their helmets], TBC[stickers on helmets], some[subj/some] POSITIVE 0.6818 0.6819 0.6847
apple have stickers POSITIVE 0.6621 0.6621 0.6649
iphone come with stickers POSITIVE 0.6065 0.6065 0.6065
player get stickers POSITIVE 0.6032 0.6032 1.0000
laptop come with stickers POSITIVE 0.5656 0.5656 0.5656
apple product have stickers POSITIVE 0.5428 0.5428 0.5451
cap have stickers POSITIVE 0.5184 0.5185 0.5206
ohio state football player earn stickers TBC[buckeye stickers], TBC[helmet stickers] POSITIVE 0.4938 0.6716 1.0000
tesla have stickers POSITIVE 0.4390 0.4390 0.4409
buckeye earn stickers TBC[helmet stickers] POSITIVE 0.4185 0.4504 0.8474
ohio state helmet have stickers POSITIVE 0.4151 1.0000 0.4169
windows laptop have stickers POSITIVE 0.4149 0.6096 0.4167
fruit have stickers POSITIVE 0.4038 0.4038 0.4055