Quasimodo contains 19 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
thing need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9964 0.9964 1.0000
thermometer need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9835 0.9902 0.9870
ph meter need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9614 1.0000 0.9648
radiocarbon date need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9599 1.0000 0.9633
instrument need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9566 0.9577 0.9600
sensor need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9461 0.9553 0.9495
spectrometer need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9456 1.0000 0.9489
microscope need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9380 0.9723 0.9413
windshield need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.9274 0.9312 0.9307
calorimeter need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.8818 0.9176 0.8849
monitor need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.8402 0.8402 0.8432
spectrophotometer need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7975 0.8615 0.8003
spectroscope need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7859 0.9415 0.7887
scale need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7620 0.7620 0.7647
balance need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7603 0.7603 0.7631
colorimeter need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7519 1.0000 0.7545
pipette need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.7510 0.8252 0.7537
equipment need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.6891 0.8996 0.6915
audiometer need to be calibrated POSITIVE 0.6790 0.7043 0.6814