Quasimodo contains 37 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
house need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9959 0.9959 1.0000
thing need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9949 0.9949 0.9989
circuit need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9885 0.9885 0.9926
generator need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9736 0.9800 0.9776
light fixture need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9648 1.0000 0.9688
fuel truck need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9612 1.0000 0.9651
plane need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9603 0.9603 0.9642
satellite dish need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9538 0.9538 0.9577
lights need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9492 0.9492 0.9531
plug need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9483 0.9483 0.9522
water pipe need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9432 0.9434 0.9471
car battery need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9394 0.9394 0.9432
battery need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9375 0.9375 0.9413
electricity need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9317 0.9317 0.9355
machine need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9301 0.9302 0.9339
turntable need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.9124 0.9302 0.9161
portable generator need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.8931 0.9097 0.8967
chuck need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.8922 0.8922 0.8958
appliance need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.8819 0.9618 0.8855
electronics need to be grounded POSITIVE 0.8769 0.8769 0.8804