Quasimodo contains 64 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
white has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.9529 0.9529 1.0000
christmas pudding has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.8739 0.8817 0.9171
contemporary become traditional POSITIVE 0.8691 0.9462 1.0000
orange has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.8169 0.8169 0.8572
wedding gift has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7880 0.9996 0.8270
welsh cake has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7744 1.0000 0.8126
fish has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7706 0.7706 0.8087
wedding cake has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7473 0.8165 0.7842
lamb has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7376 0.7377 0.7740
hydrangea flower has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7353 0.7379 0.7716
kimono has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7181 0.7382 0.7535
twelve tribes of israel has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.7179 0.8764 0.7533
goose has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.6931 0.7073 0.7274
bridal gown has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.6737 0.6980 0.7070
chip has_property traditional some[subj/fish and] POSITIVE 0.6381 0.6381 0.6696
online class be better than traditional POSITIVE 0.6180 0.8997 1.0000
greek salad has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.6147 0.6314 0.6450
aunt alexandra has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.6001 0.6001 0.6297
navy bean has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.5933 0.6662 0.6226
kinder surprise has_property traditional POSITIVE 0.5604 0.5608 0.5881