Quasimodo contains 298 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
dna be shaped as a double helix POSITIVE 0.9418 0.9418 1.0000
mcdonald's spoon be shaped weird POSITIVE 0.8896 0.9258 1.0000
pretzel be shaped like they are POSITIVE 0.8835 0.8999 1.0000
candy cane be shaped in a j POSITIVE 0.8593 0.8594 1.0000
muscle cell be shaped like they are POSITIVE 0.8523 0.8523 0.9646
f1 car be shaped like they are POSITIVE 0.8379 0.8380 0.9484
stonehenge be shaped in a circle POSITIVE 0.8228 0.8229 1.0000
hat be shaped in a circle POSITIVE 0.7955 0.7965 0.9668
walnut be shaped like brains POSITIVE 0.7928 0.7968 1.0000
sheet metal be shaped into a final product POSITIVE 0.7910 1.0000 1.0000
numbers be shaped like they are POSITIVE 0.7834 0.7835 0.8867
christianity be shaped by the cultures of the americas POSITIVE 0.7749 0.7762 1.0000
chile be shaped like it is POSITIVE 0.7605 0.7950 1.0000
adobe brick be shaped as a square POSITIVE 0.7438 1.0000 1.0000
rainbow be shaped as an arc POSITIVE 0.7360 0.7360 1.0000
home plate be shaped like a house POSITIVE 0.7235 0.7235 1.0000
soda can be shaped different in hawaii POSITIVE 0.7125 0.7126 1.0000
cyclone be shaped spiral POSITIVE 0.7035 0.7035 1.0000
pencil be shaped in a hexagon POSITIVE 0.6973 0.6973 1.0000
cowboy hat be shaped like they are POSITIVE 0.6949 0.6949 0.7865