Quasimodo contains 107 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
add be treated with stimulants POSITIVE 0.8507 0.8507 1.0000
wasp sting be treated with vinegar POSITIVE 0.7965 0.8100 1.0000
anxiety be treated with medication POSITIVE 0.7834 0.7985 1.0000
strep throat be treated with antibiotics POSITIVE 0.7607 0.7607 1.0000
meat be treated with carbon monoxide POSITIVE 0.6673 0.6673 1.0000
orange be treated with wax POSITIVE 0.6521 0.6521 1.0000
grape be treated with sulfur dioxide POSITIVE 0.6426 0.6426 1.0000
anaphylactic shock be treated with epinephrine POSITIVE 0.6413 0.9186 1.0000
cystic fibrosis be treated with gene therapy POSITIVE 0.6221 0.6504 1.0000
water be treated with ozone POSITIVE 0.5743 0.5743 1.0000
cancer be treated with radiation POSITIVE 0.5552 0.5552 1.0000
spice be treated with radiation POSITIVE 0.5395 0.5395 0.9716
salmonella be treated with antibiotics rarely POSITIVE 0.5142 0.5390 0.6759
sports injury be treated with adrenaline POSITIVE 0.5073 0.6961 1.0000
tortilla chip be treated with lime POSITIVE 0.5029 0.5035 1.0000
kidney failure be treated with gout POSITIVE 0.4691 0.4692 1.0000
diverticulitis be treated with 2 antibiotics POSITIVE 0.4566 0.4566 1.0000
mango be treated with hot water POSITIVE 0.4411 0.4412 1.0000
food be treated with radiation POSITIVE 0.4295 0.4295 0.7735
uti be treated with staph POSITIVE 0.4232 0.4298 1.0000