Quasimodo contains 51 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
drug can disrupt functioning of nervous system POSITIVE 0.8324 0.8324 1.0000
fungi can disrupt the homeostasis of plants POSITIVE 0.7465 0.7465 1.0000
viral disease can disrupt ecosystem POSITIVE 0.6887 0.6887 1.0000
human can disrupt carbon cycle POSITIVE 0.5725 0.5725 1.0000
video game can disrupt physical development POSITIVE 0.4848 0.4848 1.0000
sleep disorder can disrupt a person's life POSITIVE 0.4601 0.5219 1.0000
gene mutation can disrupt cellular processes POSITIVE 0.3947 0.4068 1.0000
human can disrupt photosynthesis POSITIVE 0.3869 0.3869 1.0000
invasive species can disrupt ecosystems POSITIVE 0.3828 0.4045 1.0000
aids can disrupt ecosystem balance POSITIVE 0.3685 0.3686 1.0000
solar flare can disrupt radio power grids POSITIVE 0.3598 0.3623 1.0000
solar flare can disrupt satellite communications POSITIVE 0.3478 0.3502 1.0000
solar flare can disrupt satellite power grids POSITIVE 0.3474 0.3498 1.0000
natural event can disrupt ecosystem POSITIVE 0.2898 0.3235 0.4208
fertilizer can disrupt work of decomposes POSITIVE 0.2732 0.2732 1.0000
introduced species can disrupt ecosystems POSITIVE 0.2705 0.2900 0.7068
decomposer can disrupt balance of ecosystem POSITIVE 0.2650 0.2708 1.0000
human can disrupt the state of dynamic equilibrium in an ecosystem POSITIVE 0.2594 0.2594 1.0000
jargon can disrupt communication POSITIVE 0.2506 0.4407 1.0000
human can disrupt ecosystem cycle POSITIVE 0.2434 0.2434 1.0000