Quasimodo contains 21 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
genetic disease persist in the human population POSITIVE 0.9442 1.0000 1.0000
huntington's disease persist in the human population POSITIVE 0.8962 0.9516 0.9491
recessive allele persist in a population POSITIVE 0.8755 0.8755 1.0000
tattoo persist on a permanent basis POSITIVE 0.8478 0.8478 1.0000
tattoo persist for a lifetime POSITIVE 0.6945 0.6945 1.0000
chronic inflammation persist an unexpected role for fibroblasts POSITIVE 0.6771 1.0000 1.0000
many person persist in believing the paranormal POSITIVE 0.6420 0.7355 1.0000
poverty persist in the world POSITIVE 0.4732 0.4790 1.0000
mussel persist in a kind of " belt POSITIVE 0.4529 0.4631 1.0000
thing persist throughout time POSITIVE 0.4435 0.4435 1.0000
man persist in posting to r POSITIVE 0.3861 0.3861 1.0000
tattoo persist within the skin POSITIVE 0.2822 0.2822 1.0000
rabbitmq persist messages POSITIVE 0.2137 0.3507 1.0000
patriarchy persist not POSITIVE 0.0119 0.0150 1.0000
chronic inflammation persist unexpected role for fibroblasts POSITIVE 0.0093 0.0138 1.0000
strategic alliance persist behavioral decision model POSITIVE 0.0054 0.0060 1.0000
many person persist believing POSITIVE 0.0044 0.0050 1.0000
racism persist less prevalent POSITIVE 0.0029 0.0030 1.0000
asthma persist even gone POSITIVE 0.0016 0.0016 1.0000
bsnl persist poor in service TBC[such poor in service], TBC[such removed poor in service] POSITIVE 0.0004 0.0004 1.0000