Quasimodo contains 207 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
agar plate need to be incubated upside down POSITIVE 0.9392 1.0000 1.0000
agar plate has_property available in the uk POSITIVE 0.9229 0.9827 0.9229
agar plate need to be incubated POSITIVE 0.9227 0.9825 0.9644
agar plate be placed in a cold room POSITIVE 0.8781 0.9350 1.0000
agar plate has_property is important POSITIVE 0.8499 0.9049 0.8568
agar plate has_property turned upside down POSITIVE 0.8450 0.8997 1.0000
agar plate has_property bad POSITIVE 0.8000 0.8518 0.8000
agar plate has_property is bad POSITIVE 0.7872 0.8382 0.8237
agar plate has_property identical POSITIVE 0.7842 0.8350 0.7842
agar plate has_property available POSITIVE 0.7804 0.8309 0.7804
agar plate be incubated at 30 degrees POSITIVE 0.7749 0.8251 1.0000
agar plate has_property amazon POSITIVE 0.7732 0.8233 0.7732
agar plate has_property big POSITIVE 0.7668 0.8165 0.7668
agar plate has_property biodegradable POSITIVE 0.7633 0.8127 0.7633
agar plate has_property safe POSITIVE 0.7526 0.8014 0.7526
agar plate has_property axial POSITIVE 0.7440 0.7922 0.7440
agar plate has_property ottawa POSITIVE 0.7400 0.7880 0.7400
agar plate has_property different POSITIVE 0.7393 0.7871 0.7393
agar plate has_property ubuntu TBC[ubuntu so expensive], TBC[ubuntu so bad] POSITIVE 0.7375 0.7853 0.7375
agar plate need to be dried before inoculation POSITIVE 0.7316 0.7790 1.0000