Quasimodo contains 217 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
al has_property in a metal suit POSITIVE 0.8376 0.8376 1.0000
al get passed down POSITIVE 0.7790 0.7790 0.8348
al has_property uk POSITIVE 0.7163 0.7164 0.7163
al kill himself in divergent POSITIVE 0.7129 0.7130 1.0000
al affect heart POSITIVE 0.6822 0.6822 0.6822
al has_property lucknow POSITIVE 0.6782 0.6782 0.8626
al affect speech POSITIVE 0.6780 0.6780 0.6816
al affect central nervous system POSITIVE 0.6650 0.6650 0.7643
al affect other body systems POSITIVE 0.6638 0.6638 0.7596
al affect homeostasis POSITIVE 0.6594 0.6594 0.7150
al shabaab make money POSITIVE 0.6534 0.6534 1.0000
al start usually POSITIVE 0.6448 0.6448 0.7173
al die in divergent POSITIVE 0.6171 0.6171 0.6465
al affect genetic POSITIVE 0.5839 0.5839 1.0000
al die on chicago pd POSITIVE 0.5621 0.5621 1.0000
al be the soul of the car POSITIVE 0.5524 0.5524 1.0000
al has_property lunch POSITIVE 0.5395 0.5395 0.5395
al affect digestive system POSITIVE 0.5392 0.5392 0.5563
al present itself POSITIVE 0.5359 0.5360 1.0000
al affect voice POSITIVE 0.5333 0.5333 0.7152