Quasimodo contains 91 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
albania has_property poor TBC[so poor], TBC[poor country] POSITIVE 0.8496 0.8498 0.8496
albania hate greece POSITIVE 0.7124 0.7127 1.0000
albania has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6620 0.6622 0.6620
albania want kosovo POSITIVE 0.6607 0.6609 0.6608
albania has_property muslim TBC[so muslim], TBC[muslim country] POSITIVE 0.6344 0.6346 0.6347
albania hate serbia POSITIVE 0.6081 0.6083 1.0000
albania has_place away POSITIVE 0.5752 0.5754 0.5752
albania celebrate christmas POSITIVE 0.5681 0.5683 0.5681
albania be called land of eagle POSITIVE 0.5543 0.5545 1.0000
albania celebrate independence day POSITIVE 0.5415 0.5416 0.5477
albania has_property iq POSITIVE 0.5404 0.5406 0.5404
albania has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.5380 0.5382 0.5380
albania has_property aqueous POSITIVE 0.5337 0.5339 0.5337
albania has_property azerbaijan POSITIVE 0.5071 0.5073 0.5071
albania has_property yugoslavia POSITIVE 0.5015 0.5017 0.5015
albania has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.4901 0.4903 0.4901
albania has_property iran POSITIVE 0.4890 0.4892 0.4891
albania has_property irish POSITIVE 0.4852 0.4853 0.4852
albania has_property economically POSITIVE 0.4813 0.4815 0.5325
albania has_property actual POSITIVE 0.4733 0.4734 0.4733