Quasimodo contains 93 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
antagonistic muscle act together to raise POSITIVE 0.9136 1.0000 1.0000
antagonistic muscle act together to lower a limb POSITIVE 0.8375 0.9167 1.0000
antagonistic muscle produce movement around a joint POSITIVE 0.8137 0.8907 1.0000
antagonistic muscle has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.8063 0.8826 0.8063
antagonistic muscle work together to create movement POSITIVE 0.7741 0.8473 1.0000
antagonistic muscle has_time yet POSITIVE 0.7357 0.8053 0.7357
antagonistic muscle has_property zero POSITIVE 0.7271 0.7959 0.7271
antagonistic muscle has_property atrophy POSITIVE 0.7269 0.7957 1.0000
antagonistic muscle has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.7057 0.7725 0.7057
antagonistic muscle has_property hereditary POSITIVE 0.6666 0.7297 0.6666
antagonistic muscle has_property normal POSITIVE 0.6632 0.7260 0.6632
antagonistic muscle has_property visible POSITIVE 0.6503 0.7118 0.6503
antagonistic muscle has_place up POSITIVE 0.6458 0.7068 0.6458
antagonistic muscle has_property valid POSITIVE 0.6326 0.6924 0.6326
antagonistic muscle be needed in many joints POSITIVE 0.6264 0.6856 1.0000
antagonistic muscle has_property high POSITIVE 0.6155 0.6737 0.6155
antagonistic muscle has_body_part leg POSITIVE 0.6130 0.6710 0.6130
antagonistic muscle has_movement quicker POSITIVE 0.6026 0.6595 0.6026
antagonistic muscle has_property quadrant POSITIVE 0.5980 0.6546 0.5991
antagonistic muscle work to bend the arm POSITIVE 0.5649 0.6183 1.0000