Quasimodo contains 179 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
arizona has_temperature hot TBC[so hot], TBC[hot year long], TBC[so damn hot] POSITIVE 0.8852 0.8852 0.8852
arizona have mountains POSITIVE 0.8693 0.8693 0.8693
arizona has_property state TBC[best state] POSITIVE 0.8355 0.8355 0.8355
arizona go to court some[subj/callie and] POSITIVE 0.8303 0.8303 0.8303
arizona come back from africa POSITIVE 0.7848 0.7848 1.0000
arizona have great sunsets POSITIVE 0.7501 0.7501 1.0000
arizona have hockey team POSITIVE 0.7463 0.7463 0.7500
arizona be known as the valentine state POSITIVE 0.7361 0.7361 1.0000
arizona have two legs POSITIVE 0.7166 0.7166 0.9587
arizona have state income tax POSITIVE 0.7078 0.7078 0.7078
arizona leave grey 's anatomy POSITIVE 0.7032 0.7032 1.0000
arizona have 3 senators POSITIVE 0.6989 0.6989 1.0000
arizona get pregnant POSITIVE 0.6481 0.6481 0.6481
arizona change time never POSITIVE 0.6392 0.6392 0.6641
arizona have two senators TBC[two republican senators] POSITIVE 0.6002 0.6002 0.6248
arizona have two time zones POSITIVE 0.5970 0.5970 0.7895
arizona have two republican senators POSITIVE 0.5965 0.5965 1.0000
arizona have poor air quality POSITIVE 0.5682 0.5682 0.8610
arizona get full custody POSITIVE 0.5635 0.5635 0.5870
arizona have daylight saving time POSITIVE 0.5608 0.5608 0.5608