Quasimodo contains 113 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
astigmatism get worse POSITIVE 0.9645 1.0000 0.9673
astigmatism affect eye POSITIVE 0.9193 0.9531 0.9821
astigmatism affect vision POSITIVE 0.7083 0.7343 0.7124
astigmatism go away POSITIVE 0.6170 0.6396 0.6170
astigmatism be written on a prescription POSITIVE 0.5930 0.6148 1.0000
astigmatism affect depth perception POSITIVE 0.5206 0.5397 1.0000
astigmatism affect skeletal system POSITIVE 0.5157 0.5347 0.5598
astigmatism turn yellow POSITIVE 0.5116 0.5304 0.5116
astigmatism affect night driving POSITIVE 0.5095 0.5282 1.0000
astigmatism distorted vision POSITIVE 0.4793 0.4969 1.0000
astigmatism be corrected during cataract surgery POSITIVE 0.4667 0.4839 1.0000
astigmatism affect lens thickness POSITIVE 0.4651 0.4822 1.0000
astigmatism be different from presbyopia POSITIVE 0.4415 0.4578 1.0000
astigmatism get corrected POSITIVE 0.4154 0.4307 1.0000
astigmatism be shown on prescription POSITIVE 0.3912 0.4056 1.0000
astigmatism has_property bad POSITIVE 0.3722 0.3859 0.3722
astigmatism affect society POSITIVE 0.3514 0.3643 0.3547
astigmatism get worse with age POSITIVE 0.3473 0.3600 0.3530
astigmatism be noted on prescription POSITIVE 0.3450 0.3577 1.0000
astigmatism has_property zero POSITIVE 0.3355 0.3478 0.3355