Quasimodo contains 164 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
atomic number has_property a more appropriate POSITIVE 0.9256 0.9385 1.0000
atomic number has_property different some[subj/the mass number and], some[subj/atomic mass and] POSITIVE 0.8774 0.8896 0.8774
atomic number has_property related some[subj/atomic mass and] POSITIVE 0.8757 0.8879 nan
atomic number related to the number of protons in an atom POSITIVE 0.8506 0.8624 1.0000
atomic number has_property significant in the study of elements POSITIVE 0.8460 0.8577 1.0000
atomic number has_property t mobile POSITIVE 0.8328 0.8443 0.8328
atomic number can be used to distinguish one element from another POSITIVE 0.7507 0.7611 1.0000
atomic number increase from left to right POSITIVE 0.7205 0.7305 0.8856
atomic number related to the property of an element POSITIVE 0.6718 0.6811 1.0000
atomic number be arranged in a periodic table POSITIVE 0.6384 0.6473 1.0000
atomic number be better than atomic mass POSITIVE 0.6194 0.6280 1.0000
atomic number increase in the periodic table POSITIVE 0.5898 0.5980 1.0000
atomic number has_property more important POSITIVE 0.5867 0.5949 0.6125
atomic number has_property zero POSITIVE 0.5174 0.5246 0.5174
atomic number affect beta decay POSITIVE 0.5109 0.5180 1.0000
atomic number be arranged in the periodic table POSITIVE 0.4792 0.4858 0.5663
atomic number affect ionization energy POSITIVE 0.4774 0.4840 0.7336
atomic number has_property two POSITIVE 0.4700 0.4766 0.4700
atomic number relate to electrons POSITIVE 0.4553 0.4616 0.6177
atomic number has_property fda POSITIVE 0.4393 0.4454 0.4393