Quasimodo contains 280 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
autism has_property on the rise POSITIVE 0.9425 1.0000 0.9536
autism be referred as a spectrum of disorders POSITIVE 0.9405 0.9979 1.0000
autism be described as a spectrum of disorders POSITIVE 0.9234 0.9797 1.0000
autism affect person POSITIVE 0.9107 0.9662 0.9678
autism be in a child POSITIVE 0.9075 0.9629 1.0000
autism affect family POSITIVE 0.8914 0.9458 0.9197
autism present itself in females POSITIVE 0.8877 0.9418 1.0000
autism can be beneficial POSITIVE 0.8630 0.9156 0.8895
autism occur in the brain POSITIVE 0.8474 0.8991 0.8612
autism run in families POSITIVE 0.8458 0.8975 0.9417
autism affect brain POSITIVE 0.8438 0.8953 0.8442
autism go away POSITIVE 0.8266 0.8770 0.8266
autism get passed on POSITIVE 0.8225 0.8727 0.8738
autism has_property similar POSITIVE 0.8107 0.8602 0.8107
autism can affect a child's development POSITIVE 0.8099 0.8593 0.9125
autism come about POSITIVE 0.8081 0.8574 0.8342
autism can go away POSITIVE 0.7970 0.8456 0.8825
autism change a person's life POSITIVE 0.7921 0.8404 0.8978
autism look in adults POSITIVE 0.7722 0.8194 1.0000
autism start later POSITIVE 0.7576 0.8039 0.7576