Quasimodo contains 271 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
boston wear blue POSITIVE 0.8658 0.8659 0.8658
boston has_property alike POSITIVE 0.8497 0.8499 0.8541
boston be called bean town POSITIVE 0.8428 0.8430 1.0000
boston has_property an POSITIVE 0.8321 0.8323 0.8321
boston has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7989 0.7991 0.7989
boston be called hub of universe POSITIVE 0.7913 0.7914 1.0000
boston have different climates POSITIVE 0.7883 0.7885 0.9929
boston have home field advantage POSITIVE 0.6972 0.6973 0.6972
boston has_property jacksonville POSITIVE 0.6941 0.6942 0.6941
boston has_property upside down POSITIVE 0.6749 0.6751 0.6749
boston be regarded as the team in the east POSITIVE 0.6436 0.6437 1.0000
boston has_property the best POSITIVE 0.6322 0.6323 0.6362
boston be called city on hill POSITIVE 0.6315 0.6316 1.0000
boston has_property urban POSITIVE 0.6266 0.6267 0.6266
boston has_property aguascalientes POSITIVE 0.6204 0.6205 0.6204
boston be as a city POSITIVE 0.5941 0.5942 0.6036
boston be known as the cradle of liberty POSITIVE 0.5739 0.5740 1.0000
boston be remembered in the war of independence POSITIVE 0.5590 0.5591 1.0000
boston has_property seafood POSITIVE 0.5523 0.5524 0.6049
boston have accent POSITIVE 0.5484 0.5485 0.5484