Quasimodo contains 58 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
cardiff has_property in the english league POSITIVE 0.9215 1.0000 1.0000
cardiff has_property a city POSITIVE 0.8444 0.9163 0.8848
cardiff has_property in the premier league POSITIVE 0.8347 0.9058 0.8347
cardiff has_property city TBC[global city] POSITIVE 0.8000 0.8681 0.8000
cardiff has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7110 0.7715 0.7110
cardiff hate each other POSITIVE 0.6485 0.7038 0.6495
cardiff has_property the capital of wales POSITIVE 0.6461 0.7012 1.0000
cardiff has_place away POSITIVE 0.5933 0.6439 0.5933
cardiff has_property uk POSITIVE 0.5832 0.6329 0.5832
cardiff has_property to live POSITIVE 0.5700 0.6186 0.5970
cardiff has_property wales POSITIVE 0.5530 0.6001 0.5531
cardiff has_property young capital POSITIVE 0.5449 0.5913 1.0000
cardiff has_property ajax POSITIVE 0.4226 0.4586 0.4226
cardiff has_property alberta POSITIVE 0.4008 0.4349 0.4008
cardiff has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.3846 0.4173 0.3846
cardiff be named as capital city POSITIVE 0.3378 0.3666 1.0000
cardiff has_property open today POSITIVE 0.2728 0.2960 0.2728
cardiff has_property ivy league POSITIVE 0.2659 0.2886 0.2659
cardiff has_property ikea POSITIVE 0.2457 0.2666 0.2457
cardiff has_property global city POSITIVE 0.2435 0.2643 0.2940