Quasimodo contains 260 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
carpenter ant get into the house POSITIVE 0.9556 1.0000 0.9658
carpenter ant get in the dishwasher POSITIVE 0.9277 0.9708 1.0000
carpenter ant get inside POSITIVE 0.8827 0.9237 0.9614
carpenter ant has_color purple POSITIVE 0.8707 0.9112 0.8707
carpenter ant be in house POSITIVE 0.8557 0.8955 0.9154
carpenter ant come in the house POSITIVE 0.8389 0.8779 0.8434
carpenter ant has_place down POSITIVE 0.8327 0.8714 0.8327
carpenter ant has_property permanently POSITIVE 0.8144 0.8523 0.8145
carpenter ant has_property pvc POSITIVE 0.7974 0.8345 0.7974
carpenter ant has_property symbolic POSITIVE 0.7968 0.8338 0.7968
carpenter ant has_property ipswich POSITIVE 0.7880 0.8247 0.7880
carpenter ant get in house POSITIVE 0.7846 0.8211 0.7866
carpenter ant has_effect itchy POSITIVE 0.7825 0.8189 0.7825
carpenter ant has_property mri POSITIVE 0.7819 0.8182 0.7819
carpenter ant has_property putty POSITIVE 0.7818 0.8181 0.8629
carpenter ant has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.7780 0.8141 0.7780
carpenter ant has_property lgbt POSITIVE 0.7726 0.8085 0.7726
carpenter ant has_property ideal POSITIVE 0.7723 0.8082 0.7723
carpenter ant has_property iceland POSITIVE 0.7711 0.8070 0.7711
carpenter ant has_property bc POSITIVE 0.7608 0.7961 0.7626