Quasimodo contains 19 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
chinese year go for 15 days some[subj/chinese new year go for 15 day] POSITIVE 0.0691 1.0000 0.0778
chinese year be celebrated in malaysia some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated in malaysi] POSITIVE 0.0252 0.3649 0.0342
chinese year be celebrated in singapore some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated in singapor] POSITIVE 0.0163 0.2361 0.0181
chinese year be celebrated in long kong some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated in long kon] POSITIVE 0.0162 0.2343 0.9397
chinese year be in long kong some[subj/chinese new year is in long kon] POSITIVE 0.0102 0.1469 0.0104
chinese year be celebrated in february some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated in februar] POSITIVE 0.0085 0.1234 0.2703
chinese year take place some[subj/chinese new year take plac] POSITIVE 0.0084 0.1215 0.0084
chinese year be celebrated around world some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated around the worl] POSITIVE 0.0080 0.1151 0.1290
chinese year be called spring festival some[subj/chinese new year is called spring festiva] POSITIVE 0.0071 0.1022 0.0140
chinese year be important to china some[subj/chinese new year is important to chin] POSITIVE 0.0068 0.0977 0.0069
chinese year be celebrated in australia some[subj/chinese new year is celebrated in australi] POSITIVE 0.0063 0.0905 0.0063
chinese year be different to ours some[subj/chinese new year is different to our] POSITIVE 0.0054 0.0785 0.0165
chinese year affect manufacturing some[subj/chinese new year affect manufacturin] POSITIVE 0.0054 0.0782 1.0000
chinese year affect markets some[subj/chinese new year affect market] POSITIVE 0.0045 0.0655 0.0081
chinese year affect business some[subj/chinese new year affect busines] POSITIVE 0.0038 0.0554 0.0038
chinese year affect shipping some[subj/chinese new year affect shippin] POSITIVE 0.0037 0.0532 1.0000
chinese year have animals some[subj/chinese new year have animal] POSITIVE 0.0032 0.0463 0.0032
chinese year has_property made POSITIVE 0.0017 0.0242 0.0017
chinese year has_property calculated POSITIVE 0.0015 0.0215 0.0015